ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall
ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall
ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall
ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall
ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall

ChemMax 3 Chemical Coverall

Brand: LakeLand
Product Code: DCLL0011
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The optimal choice for protection against chemicals.

The ChemMAX 3 is the supreme overalls in the ChemMAX line. A limited-life coveralls made of multi-layer high-tech EVOH barrier captive material provide effective protection against a wide range of highly corrosive chemicals.

Excellent for protection against crude oil, heavy ends products, light ends and petroleum oils, water.


  • EVOH barrier film provides the ultimate protection of limited-life materials.
  • Special jumpsuit design
  • The suit meets the requirements for protection against radioactive particles
  • Spunbond lining absorbs sweat and makes the suit a pleasure to wear
  • High strength and reliability
  • Reinforced knee pads
  • Competitive price


  • Chemical and petrochemical industry
  • Handling highly hazardous chemicals
  • Demolition and dismantling of industrial buildings
  • Recycling
  • In places where chemicals are spilled
  • Universal application by EMERCOM units
  • Working with sprays and pressure jets


  • EN 14605 (type 3 & 4)
  • EN 13034
  • EN 13982-1
  • EN 14126
  • EN 1149-1
  • EN 1073-2
  • EN 340
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